Gantumur ENKHBAT

Musician, Horse fiddle player

Dedicated team player and energetic. Upbeat, organized. Seeks growth opportunity to apply skills and innovation to achieve goals.

8810 1923, 9555 5639

2017-2018 The University of Shine Irgenshil, Master in business administration 

2013-2017 University of arts and culture. Bachelor of musician and teacher of Morin khuur 

2011-2013 Badmaarag high school 

2003-2011 3th elementary school 

Since 2019 Morin khuur player at Ulaanbaatar Theatre

Since 2019 Chairman of Erchimt Temuulel music education NGO

Since 2021 Head of Youth association of Ulaanbaatar Theatre 

2016-2018 Horse head player at Grand theatre of Mongolia

Other activities & programs, training:

2021 Management training by JAICA 

2021-2022 ACM Fellowship program by Arts Council of Mongolia

In 2020, Golden medal for the best worker of Ulaanbaatar City

In 2017, awarded second place in Horse Head Fiddle competition named after Saaral, who was a famous musician.

In 2016, awarded 4th place in traditional music competition 

in 2010, awarded golden medal of Yargui festival, music, song, dance competition

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