

I published books such as "I Am People - Egoism Poems" (2015) and "You Are Dreaming for Now" (2023). In addition to stage art, I also wrote more than 30 one-person and two-person, children's, puppet, dramatic, and historical plays and about 20 stories. I work as the head of cultural tourism and stage productions "Ert Urdiin Tsagt" club and general director of Children's Youth Theater.

(976) 8889-7209

2016 - ACM Fellowship program

2010 - Bachelor of  Stage and Screen Actor Film institute

2010 - Child and youth theater actor

2015 - “Ert Urdiin Tsagt" club, drama teacher

2017 - Member of the Deep Meaning Art Association

2021 - General director of Children and Youth Theater

"Best Character" at the International Monoplay Festival

"Best Male Actor" at the International Theater Festival- "Saint Muse"

A Leading Cultural Worker of Mongolia

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