Khishigtogtokh ALTANGEREL

Composer, musicologist, associate professor


1990 - 1997 Music theorist and  Horse fiddle player, Mongolian State Conservatory Collage

1997 - 1999 Musicologist, MNUAC

1999 - 2004 Music teacher, Moscow, Russia

2009 - 2010 Music composer under the supervision of B. I. Tishchenko, Russian folk actor, state prize winner, famous composer at the N. A. Rimsky-Kormakov University of Music in St. Petersburg, Russia

2017 - 2018 Composer under A.V. Tchaikovsky at P.I. Tchaikovsky Music University in Moscow, Russia

2004 - Music composition teacher, Mongolian State Conservatory

2015 - 2017 President of the Mongolian Revolutionary Youth Association

2019 - Director, Musicology and Singing School of the Mongolian Conservatory

2020 - Composer at State Opera and Ballet Academic Theatre

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