2012-2014 Master of Management

2002-2004 Business Administration Manager

1996-2000 Botanist and agronomist /Agricultural University/

From 2023, General Manager, "Khun" theater

2004-2022 Manager, Tumen-Ekh Ensemble

2017 - "Urban Encounters: Between Migration & Mobility" found footage workshop organized by the Council of Ministers 

2015 - Sustainable Mountain Arts Residency Program

2008 Eh Tumen dialect

2009 Art and dance

2009 Thoughts and Feelings

2009 Spoiled Milk /Shurankhai Band/

2010 Land of the Blue Sky 1

2011 Land of the Blue Sky 2

2012 Spread the joy

2014 The Land of the Blue Sky 3

2015 I am Mongolian

2023 The Order of the Nine Worlds

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