CHINZORIG Renchin-Ochir

Chinzorig learns from the traditional methods of illustration, researches in the field of narrative and character development, and tries to find innovative forms such as dividing into parts, decomposing, and layering in the process of creation. He also aims to discover and create the uniqueness of the artist and the uniqueness of Mongolian painting. He experiments with brick, wood, fabric, clay, and paper to express himself in an interesting way by using the linear rhythm of drawing in combination with the properties of materials. He participated in more than 80 joint exhibitions, including the Beijing Biennale in 2017, the international exhibition held in Daejeon, Korea, in 2014 and 2016, and the Land Art 360 project in 2016 and 2017.

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2012 - ACM Fellowship Program

2000 - Bachelor of Mongolian Painting, Mongolian National University of Arts And Culture

2018 Монголын байгалийн уран бүтээлчдийн холбооны гишүүн

2014 оноос Дүрслэх  урлагийн музейд сэргээн засварлагч

2014 МУЭ-ийн гишүүн, чөлөөт уран бүтээлч

2011 ХӨХ НАР контемпорари урлагийн төвийн гишүүн

2021 - The Leading Cultural Worker of Mongolia

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