Damdinsuren MUNKHTAMIR

Foreign Cooperation Specialist

9969 1663


2021-2023 Anthropology, Master, Num

2013-2019 Anthropology & International Relations, Bachelor, National University of Mongolia

2021-2022 Erasmus+ exchange program: University of Vienna, Austria

2017-2018 Exchange Program: Shiga Prefectural University, Japan

2003-2013 Future Complex High School

2018-2019 Foreign Cooperation Specialist, NUM

ACM fellowship program, Art Council of Mongolia /2022-now/

Summer School of Social Science Research, NUM /2022/

Summer School of Sustainable Development, Tsinghua University, China /2021/

Academic English Course, Jet English School /2020/

Environmental Leadership Program, Zorig Fund /2019-2020/

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