While spending her teenage life, being surrounded with various social problems such as unemployment, poverty, and domestic violence, during the transition period of the 1990s, Nandin-Erdene has developed a passion for helping vulnerable children and women. Later, after graduating art school, she had an experience of volunteering at Child Protection Center, teaching art, where she heard unbelievably painful stories, which motivated her to start her collage works addressing child abuse, human trafficking and women’s complexity. Series of works, displayed in this exhibition, depict young helpless and insecure women, whose mental health has been affected by traumatic experiences of their childhoods. Artist Nandin-Erdene studied at the School of Fine Arts of the Mongolian University of Arts and Culture, received bachelor degree in 2003 and master’s degree in 2006. Her works have been displayed extensively both home and abroad in over 50 exhibitions in her home country and overseas, in Hong Kong, Thailand, USA, Korea, Japan, China, Singapore and other countries.

8609 7678


UMA “A” artist’s studio #216, Ulaanbaatar

2004-2006 Fine art researching/ Master

Mongolian State University of Arts and Culture, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia


1998-2003 Artist/ Bachelor

Fine Art School of Mongolian State University of Arts and Culture, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Since 2012 Art lecturer

School of Broadcasting and Media Arts, MNUAC


Since 2009

Member of Union of Mongolian Artists/ freelance artist

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