

There are few directors in the cinema and screen industry who work exclusively with children's works. I have been working with the aim of creating printed works and a screen suitable for children's mental age in this field for the 3rd year.

(976) 80188376

2020 - Producer, Bachelor, MNUAC

2019 - Shat short film 2nd director

2022 - We can - We are talented project Trainer

2022 - Dancer Short Film Field Organizer

2022 - Asian Animals International Project Assistant Director

Бид чадна - Бид авъяастай төсөл Ментор оюутан 2018 он

Шат богино хэмжээний кино 2-р найруулагч 2019 он

Бид чадна - Бид авъяастай төсөл Сургагч багш 2022 он

Бүжигчин богино хэмжээний кино Талбайн зохион байгуулагч 2022 он

Азийн амьтад ОУ төсөл Ассистент найруулагч 2022 он

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