Jargalsaikhan SANDAG-OCHIR


+(976) 80541617


2013-2017 Bachelor, School of Dance Arts, MNUAC

2003-2013 Secondary school No.39th of Ulaanbaatar

2020 Creative dance LLC, Founder

2018-2019 Mongolian Tuurgatan Theater, Dancer

2017.03-06 Nature Dance Production, Dancer

2016.06-09 National Art Theater, Dancer

2014-2016 UB Dance School, Modern and Freestyle dance teacher,

2015 Infinity Crew Dance Studio, Choreographer

2022 Breakdance Coach

2022 ACM Fellowship program

2018.07-11 CPI Culture Partnership Initiative training

2017 Modern dance course , MNUAC

2018 "Best Young Dancer" from Mongolian Tuurgatan Theater of Central Province

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