SUNDERIYA Erdenesaikhan
Artist and photographer
She works in the genre of photography, in particular, she creates pictures with a modern minimal tone based on national characteristics.
+(976) 99002217
2008-2012 Bachelor of Painting, Mongolian National University of Arts and Culture
2019-2021 Master of Photography, Darkhan
2015-2017 Painter, freelance artist
2013-2015 Bluemoon art gallery-member artist
2012-2013 Laboratory Assistant, Mongolian University of Science and Technology
2014-2018 "Friendship" Rotaract club member
2017-2018 "4 goodness’’ Arts and Music school manager
2017-2019 "A-sound" band manager
Since 2019 Manager of "Norphei Art Gallery".
Since 2015 Rotaract Club of Nairamdal
Photographer of the Mongolian-Polish Joint Archaeological Expedition Filcon PALEO HINDI Research Project, Study of the Early History of Central Asia, Mongolian University of Education, Universytet Wroclawski, Mongolian Academy of Sciences, National Science Center, Academy of Fine Arts