
In my works, I draw pictures reflecting the theme of Mongolian home and work. When I create art I use techniques such as wooden bar, linoleum bar, silk bar, monotype, etc as a creative young artist. Aiming to combine tradition and innovation I have recently worked on spatial and conceptual works like the "Love+Time" collaboration exhibited.

+(976) 86806093


2016 – 2020 Bachelor, School of Fine Arts, MNUAC

2013 – 2016 High School of MUST

2009 – 2013 College of Conservatory

2022 Member artist, "Khukh Nar" contemporary art center

2020 - 2021 Art director, Shambhala 2056 project

2022 – 2023 ACM Fellowship Program, ACM – US

2019 – 2019 Parallel Worlds Workshop, Fachhochschule Dortmund, Universität der Künste Berlin (UDK), Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), ITI, Swiss Radio and Television.

2019 Erzählen in Bildern Workshop, Künstlerin Patricia Thoma, Goethe Institut Mongolei, MSUAC, Monsudar Verlag

2018 Buchgestaltung Workshop, Uta Schneider, Deutsche Botschaft Ulan-Bator, Goethe Institut Mongolia

2017 Märchen aus aller Welt Kinderbuchillustration- Workshop, Patricia Thoma und Mickael El Fathi, Goethe Institut Mongolei, Alliance Française Mongolia

2019     ''Parallel Worlds'' Workshop, Fachhochschule Dortmund, Universität der Künste Berlin (UDK), Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), ITI, Swiss Radio and Television.

2019 ''Erzählen in Bildern'' Workshop, Künstlerin Patricia Thoma, Goethe Institut Mongolei, MSUAC, Monsudar Verlag

2018 ''Buchgestaltung'' Workshop, Uta Schneider, Deutsche Botschaft Ulan-Bator, Goethe Institut Mongolei

2017 ''Märchen aus aller Welt'' Kinderbuchillustration-Workshop, Patricia Thoma und Mickael El Fathi, Goethe Institut Mongolei, Alliance Française Mongolie

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